You refer to that as a gun?

Perhaps Moren would have become a scholar, studying in a tower somewhere if not for his aggressive and rebellious attitude. However, as a dwarf, Moren was bred to fight and drink, preferring to use his fists and guns above words, even in scholarly disputes. No scholars were interested in hiring him as an apprentice as a result. Due to this, he was obliged to use his deft hands to create a different path through science and blacksmithing.

Nearly half of the most revered weapons in the country were either made by Moren, or had his modifications, according to statistics that were, admittedly, fairly inadequate. He is therefore highly regarded by everyone, including the most powerful demons and powerful Gods. This implied that Moren was able to remain objective and, in some ways, above it all for a considerable amount of time.

Slimz the Trustworthy recognized a fresh market opportunity in Moren’s skill at creating weapons. The two eventually agreed on a lifelong contract after arguing over the price. From that point forward, Slimz was the sole owner of every weapon Moren had ever produced. In exchange, Moren obtained the Castle of Alchemy, a number of priceless mechanical diagrams, an unending supply of materials, and more. Both sides became enormously wealthy as a result of their alliance, but it also made them the Army of the Fallen’s new target.

Preyta and Skud attacked together, and the Castle of Alchemy was utterly destroyed. Slimz hoped to keep at least some of his power, but he was out of options and powerless to convince the obstinate Moren to give up fighting. He was forced to void the agreement and declare Moren free to sign with anyone else. This deeply moved Moren, who then used his few remaining weapons to attack the castle in a last-ditch effort to stop the enemy’s march.

Skud was incensed by Moren’s deeds, and in a fit of fury, he shattered the castle’s defenses and all but slaughtered Omega, who had just arrived to help with the defense. Moren attempted to set off an incendiary explosive that would have brought Skud down with him, but he was badly hurt. Before he could set off the device, Omega pulled him to safety. Moren felt both gratitude and resentment. He finally took Omega’s advise and agreed to Thane, the human commanderrequest. ,’s

In return, Omega revealed to him the techniques of complex mechanical principles, enabling him to develop a brand-new line of high-tech weapons.

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