Arena of Valor (AoV) – Credibility Score

When a player gets reported or quits a match before it is over, their Credibility Score, which starts at 100, decreases. A match becomes lopsided when a player withdraws, and the team with fewer members has little chance of winning. Credibility Score was created to avoid circumstances like this. People who leave or remain inactive during matches are referred to as AFKs (Away From Keyboard), and doing so deducts points from their Credibility Score. Play the game out to the conclusion even if there is no hope of winning.

How to Determine Your Credibility Rating
When a player gets reported or quits a match before it is over, their Credibility Score, which starts at 100, decreases. A match becomes lopsided when a player withdraws, and the team with fewer members has little chance of winning. Credibility Score was created to avoid circumstances like this. People who leave or remain inactive during matches are referred to as AFKs (Away From Keyboard), and doing so deducts points from their Credibility Score. Play the game out to the conclusion even if there is no hope of winning.
How to Determine Your Credibility Rating
In the top left corner, first click the profile symbol.
To view your score, select the Credibility Score tab.
*Take note that maintaining a high Credibility Score earns you a 20% bonus on weekly incentives (above 96 points) (prior to Patch 11, players were rewarded with 100 gold a day).
Low Credibility Score players are penalized in the game, and if it drops too low, they are no longer allowed to play with other players.

when 96 points or fewer
For weekly rewards, you won’t be eligible for a 20% bonus. It will be extremely challenging to purchase heroes and Arcanas without these.
When you have less than 90 points, you cannot participate in ranked matches. Arena of Valor’s primary game mode, Ranked Match, may get boring after a while.
if the score is less than 70
Standard Matches will not be available for you to play. Up until you reach a certain point in your score, you can only play against AIs.

Gaining Credibility Score
Earning Credibility Score can only be done in one of two methods.
playing the entire Standard game
winning a game of multiplayer
By achieving these goals, you will score one point, giving you a maximum of two points per match. Be careful not to let your points go below these levels because it is possible to lose score accidently due to internet or device troubles.