Arena of Valor (AoV) – Mid Lane Guide

In Arena of Valor, get the fundamentals of controlling and pushing through the Mid Lane. For someone who enjoys ganking to support their teammates, the middle lane has the best access to all of the other lanes.

The Mid Lane is what?
Mid lane, which runs through the center of the map, is a crucial location. Mid lane has the easiest time getting to the other lanes to help because it’s in the middle of the map. Players in the middle lane are required to monitor the map and assist the top or bot lanes as necessary. Mid-lane, on the other hand, is dangerous. It’s the easiest of the lanes to ambush because it’s open on both sides and has a lot of thick grass.

What hero belongs in the middle lane?
Mid lane is best suited for heroes who can quickly eliminate minions because they can gank the other lanes in between waves. The most suggested heroes for the lane are mages, while marksmen heroes are also suitable.

First Game
Kill enemy minions while positioned so that enemies can’t surprise you. If you approach the opponent tower too closely, their jungler will have an easy time ganking and killing you. If you can, move to one of the other lanes to gank after clearing a wave. There won’t be much to do if the opponents in the top or bottom lanes are playing it safe and staying under their tower. A successful gank, though, will provide your side an advantage early on.
Prior to assisting teammates when they are fighting the Abyssal Dragon, it is preferable to eliminate the minions. Leaving the minions makes the dragon attack clear, giving your adversaries a chance to defend the dragon or knock down a tower.

Midway in the match
After the tier one towers start to collapse, the midgame typically begins.

It’s crucial for mage heroes to support their allies and ambush enemies. Heroes that use magic almost certainly have some crowd control. If the attacker is unaware of your whereabouts, hiding in the bushes before attacking is effective since control abilities will be more effective.

A marksman’s objective is to take part in every melee that breaks out after mid-game. In every battle they take part in, a marksman’s firepower will be a significant value to their side.

Remember that the squishy nature of the mage and marksman heroes makes one mistake fatal. When you don’t know where the opponent is, try to avoid spending too much time alone walking around.

Game Over
As the game progresses, the mid lane’s significance reduces. Stick with your team rather than your lane because winning team fights is far more crucial later in the game. Watch out for opposing minions as they stealthily make their way through deserted lanes to demolish your towers. Keep them under control to prevent any needless losses. Unless you are planning a split-pushing tactic, always stay with your squad. At this point in the game, there is hardly no reason to be walking around alone.

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