The first all-female team joins Honor of Kings esports league

The first all-female Honor of Kings team has joined the professional esports team.
As reported by the South China Morning Post, the new five-piece squad, named Fire Leopard, will be the first all-women team in the history of the King Pro League (KPL).
However, Fire Leopard will first compete against a range of all-male teams as part of the KPL development league in 2021.
The KPL is the highest level of competition for Tencent’s Honor of Kings, in which players take part in five-versus-five matches. Furthermore, in the four-year history of the league, there has only been one female player, Nu Di.
Girl power
One member of the new all-female team, Nu Qi, has claimed that she is better than most of her male counterparts, she just hasn’t had the opportunity to prove it.
“I’ve stayed with some esports teams before. But I was really just idling my time away because they didn’t play me in any games,” said Nu Qi.
“Most teams believe that female gamers are not as capable as men. So very few ever recruit female gamers, and as a result, female gamers never have the chance to prove themselves.”
Earlier this year, as part of PGC Digital, it was claimed that the largest player base for Tencent’s title is female.