Honor of Kings Nuwa

Nuwa in “Honor of Kings” is a strategic mage with the power to teleport, create terrain, control enemies, and snipe across the map. Crafting her equipment involves focusing on increasing her ability power, reducing cooldowns for her versatile abilities, and enhancing her survivability. In team fights, her terrain creation and global skills turn engagements in her favor. An ideal set boosts her spell potency, skill frequency, and durability, positioning Nuwa as a battlefield tactician.
Recommended Combo Sequence
Command: Create, Command: Radiate, Command: Annihilate, Command: Teleport Block the path with Skill 2, push enemies back with Skill 1, then chase down with Skill 4 using Skill 3 for teleportation.
Nuwa Skills and Abilities
Guiding Light (Passive): For each level Nu Wa gains, she increases her vision range by 2% (up to 42%) and also increases her basic attack and skill casting range by 2% (up to 28%). Nu Wa’s skills marking enemy heroes will allow allies (including herself) to deal additional damage with basic attacks and skills, directly increasing ally movement speed by 16% and health regeneration (totaling 40 (+12% AP)). This effect can only be triggered once every 0.5 seconds per attacker.
Cooldown: 0s Cost: 0
Tips: Towards the late game, Nu Wa’s wider vision range, combined with her long spell attack distance, allows her to find optimal positions for combat.

Incantation- Resplendence (Skill 01): Radiate Nu Wa releases energy in a specified direction, dealing 280/325/370/415 (+30% AP) magic damage with a knockback effect. After hitting an enemy, it slows down and unfolds into a cross array, dealing 250/290/330/370 (+36% AP) magic damage to hit enemies; the center of the cross array deals double damage. Cooldown: 7s Cost: 60
Tips: The cross array that unfolds after the knockback covers a large area, but the ability moves slowly, requiring prediction.
Incantation- Creation (Skill 02): Create Nu Wa creates a matrix space at a specified location, preventing enemy units from passing through; the created space disappears after 3 seconds, and its disappearance or Nu Wa’s other skills touching the matrix space will trigger an explosion, dealing 540/610/680/750 (+65% AP) magic damage to nearby enemies. Nu Wa’s AP increases the duration of the matrix space by 0.2 seconds for every 100 AP, up to 4 matrix spaces can be stored.
Cooldown: 0s Cost: 40
Tips: Nu Wa’s AP can extend the duration of the matrix, allowing her to create a more advantageous combat environment.
Incantation- Emergence(Skill 03): Teleport Nu Wa creates a rift, teleporting herself to a specified location after a brief chant, dealing 500/560/620/680 (+65% AP) magic damage to surrounding enemies and briefly stunning them. Passive: Nu Wa triggers an automatic defense mechanism when damaged by heroes, slowing nearby enemies by 50%, generating a shield that can absorb 400/480/560/640 (+80% AP) damage, and increasing movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 50/45/40/35s Cost: 100
Tips: A long-range mobility skill that ensures Nu Wa’s support speed for battles in other lanes and jungle encounters.
Incantation- Ruin (Ultimate): After a short delay, Nuwa releases pure energy in a specified direction, dealing heavy magical damage to enemies in its path.
Skill 4 can pierce through the front row to hit the back row, dealing massive burst damage. Use Flash to change the path of the ultimate. Flash can only change the casting location of the ultimate; it can’t change the casting direction. Use cooldown equipment to reduce the ultimate’s cooldown for more frequent poking. When at a
disadvantage, use the ultimate to clear minions at range and take the pressure off.
Nuwa Best Partners
Menki: When Meng Qi invades, Nu Wa can provide tactical support; in team fights, she can work with Meng Qi to split the battlefield and control the situation. As a priority target for focus fire, Nu Wa can provide multiple layers of protection.
Nuwa Counter
Miyamoto Musashi can easily cross the matrix space and engage Nu Wa in close combat.
Prince of Lanling: Nu Wa may not predict from which direction Lan Ling Wang will attack, and his high burst damage can pressure her.
Quickly push lanes to force Nu Wa not to easily leave; Nu Wa’s skills require prediction, and relying on own mobility skills can easily dodge her attacks.
Gameplay Tips
Always pay attention to teammates, as quick and effective support is Nu Wa’s greatest strength;
Nu Wa’s magical attacks can not only increase damage but even affect the duration of the matrix.
Vision range increases with level.
Skill synergy can effectively control enemies.
Team Fight Strategy
Nu Wa can play multiple roles in team fights. As a counter-initiator, her energy radiate can push back charging warriors, and the spreading cross array can cause area damage. When coordinating with teammates, the matrix space can create advantageous terrain. As a mid-laner, her ult can pierce through the front line to hit the back line directly, causing high burst damage.