Arum Item Builds

Key Items
“To play Arum as effectively as possible, these items are required. Only very skilled players or those with compelling justifications should stray from a core item.
…is what we typically write, but since Arum may be built in so many different ways, these two components are more “slightly strongly recommend” than “must-have.”

Similar to how Arum’s passive benefits from HP stacking, Gaia’s Standard’s Regenerate passive also contributes to the cause by giving 1200 HP. Additionally, since Arum holds up so well during battles, you’ll probably reap the benefits of Regenerate more than once. The 5% increase in movement speed is vital for the Arum, who lacks mobility.

The Amulet of Longevity works in tandem with Arum’s passive in two ways: first, it greatly increases her HP so that every 3% heal counts for more, and second, it increases the total amount of healing she receives by 20%. When the Amulet of Longevity’s base stats are combined with the additional health regeneration, opponents will yell, “Why won’t she die?!”
Typical Item Builds

Arum receives damage, sustain, and utility in one bundle with this hybrid build. Arum enjoys the ability power and HP that the Orb of the Magi gives. Gilded Greaves lowers any CC that stands in Arum’s way while giving her a nice 7% movement speed increase because she needs all the mobility she can get. While Frosty’s Revenge and the Aegis don’t give Arum any HP, their ability to slow the opposition is essential for making the most of her kit. Gaia’s provides a little bit more healing, making Arum even more difficult to kill, and Amulet of Longevity works in a variety of ways with Ravenous Beasts.

This build largely disregards functionality in favor of becoming as unkillable as is humanly possible. Arum can take on the entire enemy team and it would take about a minute to take her out because she has a panic button in Rock Shield, a panic button, and a lot of armor, magic defense, and HP. Get involved in team battles and interfere with their targeting, or ensnare a player for your team without worrying about taking any harm. Being difficult to kill can be useful for split-pushing as well, as doing so will result in death via the Snare beneath tower for one hero, and if many heroes arrive, it frees up more of the battlefield for your teammates to complete objectives.
Reminder: Before receiving Greaves of Protection and Amulet of Longevity as your sixth item, upgrade Knight’s Plate to Shield of the Lost.

We have some fun and equip every item that either increases Arum’s speed or slows her opponents for her jungle build (well, other than Leviathan). Let’s run down the list: Damage to Arum slows the attacker by 15% (The Aegis), being hit by any ability, including Arum’s passive, slows the receiver by 25% (Frosty’s Revenge), being attacked slows the attacker by 25% (Hyoga’s Edge), and being attacked after using an ability slows the attacker by 55% (Frost Cape + Hyoga’s Edge). To put it another way, whenever she interacts with Arum, her adversaries are slowed, allowing her to kill them with Flame Magic and her creatures (Leviathan). Gilded Greaves will make sure she keeps approaching you like a monster from a horror movie, so don’t even think about trying to CC her.