Baldum Item Builds

Key Items
Baldum requires these items to be played at its best. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

Baldum receives a tremendous amount from Mantle of Ra. The stats come first, with Baldum benefiting more than others because of how his abilities scale with both attack power and armor. As a result, he receives twice as much damage from Mantle of Ra as ordinary people. The burn that Mantle of Ra provides lies beyond this. Baldum is ideally suited to spreading the aura around opponents and depleting their health because he frequently approaches the other team up close. When combined with Wild Stomp, this damage deals massive quantities of damage.

The Aegis is a monster when it comes to defensive stats, offering copious quantities of armor, mana, and cooldown reduction. Additionally, it has a passive ability that slows anyone attempting to harm the powerful Baldum.
Typical Item Builds

This build gives Baldum a beefier deer appearance and increases his armor to 73% while increasing his ability damage. Gilded Greaves, Medallion of Troy, and Hercules’ Madness all have magical defenses that keep him from being instantly taken out by wizards. With the Burn passive from Mantle of Ra, the Riposte passive from Mail of Pain, and the Berserk passive from Hercules’ Madness, Baldum also faces some respectable resistance. He also reaches 30% CDR, which enables him to employ Wild Charge and Wild Stomp more frequently. Build Medallion of Troy before The Aegis if the enemy mages are escalating a bit too swiftly.

Do not jungle with Baldum, as was noted in the description of Leviathan, but it should also be stated here. He lacks the damage to move quickly, especially in the beginning. But even without the double burn from stacking Leviathan with Mantle of Ra, he can gain something from it. Massive quantities of radiant damage will be dealt by these items combined with Wild Stomp. This does not come at the expense of his toughness, as Leviathan itself provides abundant health while The Aegis and Medallion of Troy fulfill his requirements for armor and magical defense. He will also benefit from a 40% reduction in cooldowns, giving him full access to all of his skills.

Baldum will be heavily enhanced throughout this development so that he can move around the battlefield and aid teammates. Items have a greater emphasis on resiliency than on aggressive utility. The synergy between The Aegis and Shield of the Lost, two items that originate from the same item, is a key point to make in this case. Despite having the same unique passive name, the items’ unique passives are activated in various ways, indicating that they do in fact stack. The Shield of the Lost’s aural slow weakens everyone nearby the monolith regardless of who they fight, while the Aegis slows any adversaries who approach Baldum from a distance. Additionally, the two combined will give Baldum a huge amount of armor. Beyond this, Baldum has Rock Shield to lengthen the duration of his battles and Gaia’s Standard to make sure he can both reach and stick to his target.