Cresht Item Builds

Key Items
For the best experience while playing Cresht, these goods are required. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

Gaia’s Standard provides Cresht with a lot of sustain while he tanks for his squad. He will be able to defend allies and remain in battle for a considerable amount of time thanks to the consistent regeneration of HP, which will increase his total capacity to support his team. It also helps him move around, which he needs to keep close to his clumsier teammates.

A respectable quantity of armor is provided by the Knight’s Plate, as well as a useful passive that will punish anyone who tries to attack the wearer. Each of the items that Knight’s Plate may be converted into is a valuable addition to Cresht’s arsenal, with The Aegis being the superior option if you’re looking for a little bit more utility through abilities and Shield of the Lost providing more overall defensive potential.
Typical Item Builds

This build has been spotted in both recent Darkbreaker videos and professional leagues. Cresht is put in the solo lane and must rely on Mantle of Ra to clear waves. The first five items also assist Cresht increase his attack since he must auto-attack in order to construct his ultimate, with Omni Arms providing an added boost thanks to its Elemental Power passive. Because you’ll be able to activate your ult much more frequently, Cresht should have adequate defense between Mantle of Ra, Medallion of Troy, and Blade of Eternity.

Cresht may play as a support by separating foes from his comrades thanks to this build. The Tidecaller’s Mark, which benefits his allies while harming his adversaries, is a crucial item for this kind of build. He will be strengthened by the other items’ powerful defense stats and effects.

With this build, Cresht becomes an almost unstoppable nightmare on the battlefield by putting all of its emphasis on survivability. The Gilded Greaves and Gaia’s Standard offer the strongest protection for the sea from magical attack, while the Aegis and Frost Cape offer some protection from physical harm. Along with its defensive stats, Tidecaller’s Mark will provide Cresht some further support potential, expanding the use of this damage sponge.

This build is highly focused on roaming the battlefield to support allies throughout laning and for joining larger engagements as they start to occur. Cresht will be very resilient, able to maintain the front line and shield his comrades from danger.