Gildur Item Builds

Key Items
To play Gildur as well as possible, you’ll need these items. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

As a hero that relies heavily on applying control effects, Frosty’s Revenge is a terrific way to expand your toolkit and tighten the noose around your neck. With this item in his possession, Gildur has a slow as well as the ability to move faster around the battlefield and become more resilient.

Many of Gildur’s projects are completed by Holy of Holies. As a result, he gains a lot of HP and ability power, both of which the tank mage highly values. But because it costs so much gold, it’s typically the final thing made.
Typical Item Builds

This build combines Gildur’s propensity for both initiating and harassing. His abilities will hit significantly harder as a result of the ability power provided by items like Orb of the Magi, Holy of Holies, and Frosty’s Revenge, which will also boost his poking potential. Additionally, a lot of equipment provide different defensive bonuses, enabling Gildur to deflect enemy fire for his team.

The defense that Gildur needs to survive without a shirt is the main goal of this construct. The golden kid may jump into the opposing team and start fights using his control powers because he is strong and can withstand a lot of abuse. Every item increases his survivability in some way, and many of them also increase the strength of his abilities. His extensive collection of control will be augmented by The Aegis and Frosty’s Revenge, which will help him and his crew win battles.

Here, we entirely build up Gildur’s damage, giving his abilities as much punch as we can, in contrast to the tank build previously. He isn’t completely helpless because of the Holy of Holies and Orb of the Magi’s protective bonuses. However, he won’t be as strong as he would be if he had chosen more durable items. When your team isn’t feeling any threat from the opposing team and could use some extra damage, this build is most effective.