Grakk Item Builds

Key Items
The best experience when playing Grakk requires these components. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

The Aegis is an excellent item for Grakk because it gives him armor, mana, a lower cooldown, and a pleasant passive. He will need as much toughness as possible to be a tank. Given how dependent he is on his abilities for efficacy, the reduced cooldown will enable him to throw them more frequently, which is crucial.
Typical Item Builds

Here, Grakk completely disregards ability potency in favor of creating protective equipment. His chain and ultimate are excellent control moves that may encircle the whole opposing team. His job will be to use his hook to start team battles before soaking up as much of the enemy’s fire as he can. In place of Frosty’s Revenge, Hyoga’s Edge and Frost Cape will substantially delay Grakk’s targets as he assaults them. Grakk’s comrades will receive assistance from Mark of Tidecaller, who will take advantage of the tank’s proximity to them.

Due to the combination of durability and ability power in this build, Grakk can deliver some damage on his own rather than being entirely dependent on his team. Even though he doesn’t have enough strength to carry matches by himself, his hook and Earthquake will significantly reduce his targets’ health. His armory of ability power items, which include the Orb of the Magi, Frosty’s Revenge, and Holy of Holies, will give his attacks a respectable amount of damage. With the help of The Aegis, Medallion of Troy, and several protective stats from his ability power items, he keeps his thick skin.

In contrast to the previous builds, this one emphasizes Grakk’s ganking ability over his teamfighting presence. A talented player can easily pick off opponents by capturing them with his hooks as they leave the lanes. Hermes’ Select is a must-have because he will need some mobility to move between the lanes, and Essence of the Wind and Gaia’s Standard can be added later to make him a meaty blur on the field. A Wind Stone item is crucial in this situation since Grakk will lose gold as a result of the time he will spend switching lanes.

Grakk has an extremely robust build that enables him to travel across the battlefield rapidly and deflect a lot of opposing fire. He won’t be as useful as other builds, but he’ll be incredibly tough and much more suited to serving as a tank.