Omega Item Builds

Key Items
To play Omega as effectively as possible, these items are required. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

Omega finds the Mantle of Ra’s enhancements to the wearer’s defense and attack power to be particularly helpful. Despite its preference towards increasing its resilience, it will be able to destroy towers with more attack strength. The mantle’s passive burn enhances Exterminate’s synergy with will.

The Aegis is a fantastic addition for Omega, providing some great defensive numbers and the capacity to spam skills more frequently. When being assaulted from a distance, the passive it offers will help him, delaying foes and making it simpler for Omega to flee or approach and battle.
Typical Item Builds

With an exclusive focus on enhancing its defense, this build transforms Omega into a tough frontliner. Although Omega has some offensive capability thanks to Mantle of Ra and Frost Cape, its primary duty in this situation is to soak up damage for the opposing damage dealers. Frost Cape will also help Omega manage enemy mobility. The Frost Cape, Mantle of Ra, and Aegis will protect Omega from physical harm, while Gaia’s Standard and the Medallion of Troy will enable Omega to counteract any incoming magical harm.

With Omega being built up, this build is much more offensively oriented and will help you destroy towers and easily clear minion waves. Significant speed boosts from Hermes’ Select and Gaia’s Standard enable Omega to move across lanes and participate in team fights in between lane pushes. With the assistance of both Mantle of Ra and Spear of Longinus, it will be able to deal substantial amounts of damage against towers. Omega is an excellent match for items that boost its defenses while also increasing attack power. Finally, Hyoga’s Edge will strengthen the robot’s protection while also making it very difficult for him to flee.

For Omega to quickly knock down towers, we rely considerably more heavily on aggressive equipment in this setup. Any tower that Omega comes into contact with won’t stand a chance of surviving between its special attacks and regular attacks. Keep in mind that while this build can accomplish a lot through pushing, it falls short when it comes to team utility and survivability, thus even when towers are trembling in their foundations, it won’t be able to hold its own against opponent heroes as well.