D’Arcy Item Builds

The best way to play D’Arcy is with these accessories. Only a really skilled player or someone with a compelling argument should deviate from a core item.

The powerful ability power and the 10% CDR provided by the Orb of the Magi help D’Arcy get through battles. Although Phoenix Tear’s lane sustain is useful, you should build directly to Orb of the Magi so that you can benefit from its enhanced AP and CDR right away. D’Arcy will benefit from the additional health that Orb offers by not being burst down too quickly.

Boomstick gives D’Arcy a lot of ability power, and its passive also increases damage by a substantial amount. To boost your pushing and team fight power, it’s advisable to buy Boomstick because it doesn’t offer sustain or CDR.

Mages almost always need to have Hecate’s Diadem because it almost always gives them more ability power than any other item, even the Holy of Holies. If you have to choose between Holy of Holies and Hecate’s and you really need the HP from the latter, you’d only skip Hecate’s as a wizard.
Typical Item Builds

Given that D’Arcy just need more Health, cooldowns, and mana, a standard safe mage setup suits him. It makes sense for him to choose Orb of the Magi because it meets all of his needs. For more CDR, wear flashy boots. His Dimensional Cube and Dimensional Portal receive some additional AOE damage from Boomstick. He has some endurance thanks to Rhea’s Blessing, which is particularly useful in team fights as he is frequently the main target. The Holy of Holies and Hecate’s Diadem, with their added AP, are the cherry on top of this setup.

D’Arcy can burst down single target adversaries because to this build. Apocalypse can be purchased first because to Dimensional Walk’s fantastic synergy. Every other item in this build provides him with bonuses that any mage would like, including increased AP, lowered cooldowns, and magic penetration.

This more specialized build aids him in dealing with bulky heroes. He can destroy opposing tanks thanks to Berith’s Agony, and the Staff of Nuul further weakens the opposition’s magical defense. Frosty’s Vengeance gives D’Arcy more capabilities. Holy of Holies completes this construct because D’Arcy might benefit from more HP. But, it’s better to switch Holy of Holies to Hecate’s Diadem for additional AP if your adversary is also using Berith’s Agony.