Ormarr Item Builds

Key Items
The best Ormarr gameplay requires these components. Only very experienced players and/or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a fundamental item.

The berserker benefits greatly from Gaia’s Standard’s durability, swiftness of movement, and pleasant passive. Despite being more focused on magical defense, the item also works against physical enemies thanks to the health that regenerates after being damaged. The movement speed is also a big benefit for Ormarr, who must stick near opponents in order to lay out his crowd control.

Ormarr is a machine for control, but he could always need more. Hyoga’s Edge provides him extra by slowing down his standard assaults. Ormarr now moves faster as well, making him even harder to escape from.
Typical Item Builds

Ormarr typically serves as a support tank for his squad, taking damage and facilitating kills. As a result, we created things that aided in these ways, either by bolstering his defenses or providing some kind of passive effect that could be used to set up kills. As things start to become difficult, Essence of the Wind will let Ormarr flee the scene by providing an escape route for him or an ally. Although Spear of Longinus has a stronger offensive bent, it will also aid weaken enemies so that Ormarr’s allies may take care of business. Significant defensive boosts from Hyoga’s Edge and Gaia’s Standard fully harden Ormarr against outside attacks while also making the warrior more difficult to flee from danger.

This setup has more of an emphasis on staying alive than on benefiting the squad. We design Ormarr as a damage sponge because he already provides the team with a large amount of control. Hyoga’s Edge will still give him a little extra slowing power, but he is considerably more durable than anything else. He has some strong regeneration abilities from Gaia’s Standard and Medallion of Troy, as well as a lot of protective numbers against Magic Damage, with The Aegis adding to those defenses. With the 35% cooldown reduction provided by this build, he will be able to use a lot of abilities to make up for the absence of item-based control.

This is a less frequent set up than others because Ormarr is typically better at planning kills than actually carrying them out. That being said, your squad may already be quite strong on defense and lack damage. When necessary, Ormarr can undoubtedly fill that gap. As a primarily offensive weapon, Omni Arms is introduced to give the berserker’s attacks and skills a little more force. In addition, Hercules’ Madness has been added as a dual-purpose item that boosts both offense and defense once Ormarr’s health becomes too low. Now, we replace his trusted Gilded Greaves with a pair of war boots to quicken his attack and increase the frequency with which he will stun his opponents.