Toro Item Builds

Key Items
To play Toro as well as possible, these things are required. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

Toro’s defenses will become more resilient and his farming and bruising potential will increase thanks to Mantle of Ra. Because of how quickly his abilities scale with attack damage, even the meager boost provided by the mantle will significantly increase his offensive power.

Toro will frequently be able to use Shield of the Lost’s aura on opponents in battle because of how closely he adheres to adversaries. The minotaur also benefits tremendously from the numbers it provides, with HP and armor significantly enhancing his arsenal of defenses.
Typical Item Builds

A simple build made solely to soak up as much damage as possible. Each item helps Toro’s defense in some way, building him up to the point where he can take a lot of punishment for his squad. He will always have health thanks to regeneration from Gaia’s Standard and the Amulet of Longevity, enabling him to continue fighting even after suffering an enemy’s punishment. In battles, he won’t be completely ignored because to Mantle of Ra and Shield of the Lost, which deal damage and debuffs to opponents who approach her.

Using aggressive equipment like the Spear of Longinus, this build provides Toro a greater offensive advantage. In attack damage, Toro’s skills scale surprisingly well, making each slight improvement translate into a big increase in damage. By reflecting harm back to him, Mail of Pain increases his damage in an indirect manner, punishing anybody who tries to put an end to his rampage.

In order to increase the build’s utility, a small amount of durability has been sacrificed. If the player is mobile enough to catch both allies and foes in the auras, Tidecaller’s Mark’s aura will help teammates and stack nicely with Shield of the Lost’s aura. Hyoga’s Edge will also aid in controlling the other team by delaying any targets that Toro hits, making them easier for his friends to take out.