Wiro Item Builds

Key Items
For the best experience when playing Wiro Sableng, these things are required. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

With the ease with which 212 Axe may be spammed, one after-ability item is a given. In addition to Wiro’s already extensive arsenal, we chose Frost Cape to provide some additional crowd control. But if gamers want even more lethality, they can also go with Omni Arms, which is a perfectly good choice.
Typical Item Builds

By combining attack and defense, this build transforms Wiro into a force that can pounce on opposing teams and take them apart from within. A warrior would benefit from the combination of offensive and defensive stats provided by the Mantle of Ra, Spear of Longinus, and Frost Cape. The fighter gains some defense against magic users from the Medallion of Troy, and it also increases his cooldown reduction to 35%, barely shy of the maximum.

Although a skilled fighter, Wiro can also use his strong crowd control to take the role of a tank. While doing so, it is preferable to build him entirely around durability to maximize his capacity to deflect damage. Each of these items helps Wiro’s defenses, and several of them also provide him with other benefits. Enemies will have a hard time escaping the maniacal fighter and his group due to his inherent crowd control and the combined slows of Frost Cape and Hyoga’s Edge.

Brawlers frequently stack Leviathan and Mantle of Ra to take advantage of their passive abilities and deal massive quantities of aural damage. This is an extremely effective tactic for Wiro because of his propensity for getting close to and sticking with opponents. Moreover, it greatly increases survivability, freeing Wiro to concentrate on more aggressive weapons. Wiro’s offensive potential will be increased by Omni Arms and Muramasa, resulting in more destructive attacks. His Sword of Eternity item is particularly intriguing because it combines with his passive to make him very difficult to kill.