Maloch Item Builds

Key Items
The best Maloch gameplay requires these components. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

The Frost Cape is an excellent item for the warrior due to Maloch’s frequent use of them as well as the fact that they are completely free to utilize. Maloch can exploit the slow that this item provides to better stick to enemies while his ultimate isn’t available. Maloch can benefit greatly from this since he lacks any natural control.

Fenrir’s Tooth is an obvious choice when looking to increase the demon’s lethality because it provides the highest attack damage in one location. If the attack damage weren’t sufficient, the item also has a potent passive effect that will aid Maloch in killing enemies who reach dangerously low health levels.
Typical Item Builds

Maloch is constructed in this style as a damage-dealing off tank who charges the opposing team to do the most damage possible. While Mantle of Ra and Fenrir’s Tooth will provide him the strength he needs to really punish anyone who gets too close to him, Shield of the Lost, Frost Cape, and Medallion of Troy will keep him battling despite opposing counterfire.

Here, Maloch is transformed into a pure damage sponge who only uses the base damage of his abilities to deal damage to enemies. With Hyoga’s Edge and Frost Cape working together, the demon will be able to slow adversaries in significant amounts, allowing him to stay near while having a slow attack speed. Then, with Shield of the Lost, Medallion of Troy, and Amulet of Longevity serving as major sources of defensive stats, we completely focused on survivability.I’ve given him the strength he needs to truly punish anyone who approaches him too closely.

This build doubles down on Maloch’s damage, moving in the opposite direction of the first. Hyoga’s Edge and Mercules’ Madness are two of his remaining sources of protection and health. When using this build, the demon will do more fighting than tanking, chopping off huge portions of the foes’ health with each swipe of his powerful sword. In exchange for a large increase in damage, Omni Arms has given up the usefulness of Frost Cape and will now increase his burst as well.