Superman Item Builds

Core items are essential for playing Superman optimally, and deviating from them should only be done by highly experienced players or with good reason.

Gaia’s Standard offers less raw defense than other options, it provides significant utility that is crucial for Superman. The item enhances his movement speed, which is invaluable for the Man of Steel, and restores a percentage of his health whenever he takes damage. This is particularly useful since he can accumulate a lot of health similar to Xeniel. Additionally, Gaia’s Standard offers a decent amount of magic defense and HP, which contributes to Superman’s overall defense and health-based damage.
Below are some sample item builds for Superman:

This build strikes a balance between survivability and damage. It mainly focuses on defensive items, such as Frost Cape, Gaia’s Standard, and Mail of Pain, each of which contributes to his health and offers other defensive benefits. Meanwhile, Rankbreaker and Fenrir’s Tooth provide significant attack power and their own offensive effects. This build is suitable for a more aggressive Superman who will be diving into enemies before retreating rather than constantly taking damage.

Unlike most heroes, Superman should almost always take boots as his first item since Flight is heavily reliant on high movement speed. This build takes a purely defensive approach to Superman, forgoing attack damage items entirely to simply buff up his survivability. However, all of the items in this build contribute to his health pool, and several of his flying abilities scale with health. This setup is particularly effective against physical enemies, with Mail of Pain and Shield of the Lost offering large amounts of armor along with their normal attack affecting passives. Against magic-heavy enemies, consider swapping one or both for magic defense items such as Medallion of Troy.

This build is similar to the bruiser build above, but with a heavier focus on speed and mobility. The build features Hermes’ Select as his boots, providing Superman with a significant mobility boost when moving between lanes. Rankbreaker, Odin’s Will, and Gaia’s Standard all enhance his movement speed either in or out of combat. Frost Cape keeps him from getting too squishy, although the items in this build are much lighter in terms of defense than those in the other builds.