Zephys Item Builds

Essential Items To achieve optimal performance with Zephys, these core items are necessary. Only deviate from the core build if you are an experienced player or have a valid reason for doing so.

Zephys excels in the jungle, and his go-to jungle item is Leviathan. His passive ability increases damage reduction based on the percentage of missing health. Thus, having a higher health pool allows him to benefit more from the passive when his total health is higher. The armor provided by Leviathan is advantageous, and the area burn effect it offers is a nice addition. Since Zephys engages closely with his targets, he can easily spread the burn without altering his playstyle.

Spear of Longinus complements Death’s Flurry perfectly, as each of Zephys’ strikes applies a stack of Longinus’ passive. This enables him to swiftly shred armor and directly target his opponents’ vulnerable areas.

Frost Cape synergizes wonderfully with Death Rift, as the bonus damage and slow effects stack together. This makes it difficult for enemies to escape from Zephys, both in team fights and when he is ganking. Additionally, the armor, health, and cooldown reduction provided by Frost Cape enhance Zephys’ capabilities.
Sample Item Builds

The most common approach to building Zephys prioritizes his defensive capabilities. While Frost Cape and Spear of Longinus provide some offensive potential, Zephys mostly relies on the excellent base damage of his abilities to overcome his opponents. Emphasizing defense aligns well with his passive, transforming him into an extremely resilient off-tank, even when incorporating hybrid items as shown in this build.

This build takes Zephys further into the realm of damage, sacrificing some of the safety provided by defensive items in favor of heightened offensive power. By combining Spear of Longinus and Muramasa, the assassin can inflict near-true damage to squishy targets, effortlessly bypassing their defenses. The build is then completed with Fenrir’s Tooth, turning the formidable brawler into a potent finisher.

While Zephys is best suited for the jungle, he can also be effective as a roamer or laner. However, he may encounter mana issues without the aid of the blue buff. By not opting for Leviathan, an additional item slot becomes available, allowing for more versatility. In this scenario, Mail of Pain is chosen, considering that physical damage sources outnumber magical ones in the game. However, if the situation demands it, selecting a magic defense item like Gaia’s Standard is a perfectly reasonable alternative.