The Joker (The Clown Prince of Crime)

The Joker’s past is unknown, however it is known that he was once a little criminal who had a strange accident became the Clown Prince of Crime. The Joker’s desire for disorder is motivated by his conviction that anything can happen at any time, which has contributed to his reign of terror in Gotham City. The Joker has made it his mission to demonstrate to others—and the entire world—that your entire life can be turned upside down in a single instant because he believes that life is nothing more than a cosmic joke.

The Joker operates out of Gotham City, despite having abducted, injured, killed, and tormented countless people all around the world. Or, perhaps, it was. The Joker in Gotham was fixated on the demise of Batman’s principles, which served as the punchline to his best joke. No matter how difficult or complicated the scenario, Batman resisted giving in to the Joker’s tricks, despite his best efforts. Batman remained unflappable despite the Joker’s antics costing him some of his closest allies. Instead, Batman used a heavily altered version of the Scarecrow’s fear poison to defeat the Joker.

The Joker had never before experienced true dread until this moment. The Joker felt terror for the first time when Batman’s tweaked fear poison coursed through his body. The encounter was so terrible that it was enough to loosen the Joker’s remaining mental anchors. He was sent to Arkham Asylum rather being put on trial for his crimes. The Joker was a comic without a joke in this situation. In the midst of genuine horror, what could be truly humorous? The Joker started to lose hope that he would ever again be able to make fun of the world.

When a new prisoner was brought into Arkham, that situation changed. This man was also insane, although he would occasionally break out into clear streams of mathematical formulae and murmured incantations. Additionally, he would snooze with the words “Athanor… Athanor” on his lips. The Joker was fascinated by the man’s insanity. Joker made friends with the prisoner and discovered his origins through charm and deception. The Arkham prisoner, a scientist by training, had researched radiation surges that occurred concurrently with paranormal events around the globe. The scientist has discovered the solution to these conundrums: a doorway to another planet.

The scientist spoke in a reverent manner of this place, Athanor. It was obvious how drastically the encounter had altered the scientist. The Joker yearned to see this world of beauty and order so that he could make a huge joke of it, not because he was seeking spiritual enlightenment or an encounter that would cure his lunacy. The Joker left Arkham, like he had done so many times before, after putting his mind to something useful. This time, the recently released Joker headed for Athanor instead of wrecking havoc in Gotham.

The Joker eventually located the doorway to Athanor after months of looking. And now, even the gods who fight for control of that realm will have to face off against the man who personifies chaos.

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