Amily Item Builds

Key Items
To play Amily as effectively as possible, these things are important. Only exceptionally skilled players or those who have compelling reasons should deviate from a core item.

Amily’s kit and Rankbreaker work in perfect harmony in every way. The second-highest attack item, the 110 attack damage improves her standard attacks as well as Duel, Kickblade, and Combo. The pierce aids in slicing through foes, particularly given that Amily’s entire toolkit is geared toward dealing physical damage, and her main targets will be soft (i.e., they won’t acquire much armor, therefore raw armor pierce is preferable than percentage-based armor pierce). Moreover, because Amily’s Combo passive impacts base movement speed, Windwalk not only increases but multiplies her ability to flit between lanes. When not engaged in combat, a level 11 Amily with level 2 boots, Rankbreaker, and no Arcana that increases movement speed travels at a startling 506 units per second.

Although most “core” goods should be secured in the first 3–4 items, Fenrir’s Tooth is such a valuable item for Amily that you’ll want to grab it at some point no matter how cautiously you’re otherwise building. This is because it is often purchased toward the conclusion of a build. The 200 attack damage is simply too important, especially in light of Amily’s Duel passive. Amily needs the extra 30% damage to low-health targets to finish them off before she is burst down first because she can’t stay in battles for very long.
Typical Item Builds

Amily doesn’t have the best sustain, so we chose to concentrate on eliminating the other team before they can kill us with this build. While Rankbreaker helps her penetrate through enemy armor and its passive synergizes with the Combo passive to have her move across the map like Batman, Soulreaver and Omni Arms raise the CDR to 25%. Fenrir’s Tooth works in conjunction with Amily’s passive to take out unsuspecting foes. The 10% damage increase from Blade of Eternity will pay off greatly at the end of the game, and Amily may be able to escape or complete the mission thanks to the revive passive.

When you can buy it, Rankbreaker lets you clean up your opponent and/or rotate to your team, and Mantle of Ra aids in that. You will then be in desperate need of CDR and some defense because we can’t snowball the game as hard from a solo lane at that point. Both calls are handled by the Aegis, but if you’re up against a lot of magic damage, you should construct Medallion of Troy first. We wrap up with Fenrir’s Tooth so Amily can make a contribution in the final stages. Change Muramasa in for Rankbreaker if things go really late.

The fourth item, the Frost Cape, is a good place to start if you feel like you’re getting blown apart too frequently. This will help you keep foes in range of you. Medallion of Troy should make it much harder to defeat Amily, and you’ll also get 35% CDR to boot. Another hybrid item that also functions as a panic shield when things become tense is picked up in the last slot. Both Fenrir’s Tooth and Blade of Eternity are viable alternatives in this situation, albeit Blade of Eternity’s damage will be reduced due to the build.

Amily has a hybrid build that aims to make her both a destructive force and a powerful tank. With the early mobility provided by Gilded Greaves and Rankbreaker, players ought to be able to gank between the lanes and aid teammates. Following that, Noob88 combines attack and defense to give Amily the ability to survive diving into enemy teams while also killing people she dives after.