Xeniel Item Builds

Key Items
The best experience when playing Xeniel requires these components. Only very experienced players or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a core item.

Despite the subpar HP and armor it offers for the price, the Frost Cape is important for Xeniel for a number of reasons. Xeniel requires the additional slowness to stick to his opponents in team fights and/or one-on-one encounters because Malleus is his only source of CC. Moreover, Divine Protection is cast and denoted when Ice Power is used (though only when manually detonating). The only HP-and-armor item that also offers CDR is this one, which is crucial given Xeniel’s lengthy cooldowns.

Amulet of Longevity benefits Xeniel more than almost any other hero because he stacks health. His health pool has an outstanding percentage-based booth that extends the usefulness of each of his equipment. It also helps the wearer restore any HP they have lost while providing a tremendous quantity of health on its own.

Although it is sometimes ignored because of the Medallion of Troy’s greater numbers, Xeniel will have a large health pool, which makes the percentage-based regeneration restore him for a significant amount throughout battles. The Immaculate will have no trouble absorbing blows for net health gains, keeping him from the battlefield and prolonging the battle. Keep in mind that the passive effects of Amulet of Longevity and Gaia’s Standard stack, delivering a healing boost of over 10% every 10 seconds.
Typical Item Builds

Here, our attention is nearly entirely on improving Xeniel’s health. Because Holy Brand and Divine Protection scale with Health, he can deal a lot of damage without even using ability power. With the exception of his boots, every item he has improves his health in some way, with the bulk of them also serving other purposes. Amulet of Longevity completes the build, fortifying the Immaculate with a significant amount of HP despite lacking other items’ functionality.

This build strengthens the skills that are undervalued in HP-centric builds by adding some ability power to the mix. There is still a good deal of health present thanks to the Holy of Holies, the Medallion of Troy, and the Orb of the Magi. However, more magic-focused items have taken the place of some of the strictly defensive goods that might be acquired elsewhere. Malleus and Angelic Splendor will now be able to affect the adversaries’ health rather than just being useful.

Don’t misinterpret this construction; Xeniel shouldn’t be jungling. He doesn’t have a lot of ganking potential and doesn’t have a fast clearing pace. Having said that, Leviathan is an inexpensive item that provides a significant quantity of HP. Punish can also speed up Xeniel’s ability to counter jungle or farm. We add a lot of extra health components on top of the strong health foundation Leviathan gave. Xeniel will mostly rely on Holy Brand and Divine Protection for damage, much like the HP Tank construct.