Key Items
The best way to play Kil’Groth is with these items. Only very experienced players and/or those with compelling justifications should deviate from a fundamental item.

Kil’Groth’s primary jungle item is Scorching Wind because his entire toolkit focuses on rapid normal strikes. Kil’groth can heal more quickly with both Enraged Spear and the item’s life steal thanks to the crazy attack speed it grants. Furthermore, Kil’groth will deal a significant amount of magic and physical damage, making it challenging for the other team to counter-build. The item is so beneficial to the sea creature that it should be constantly used in lanes as well to reap all of its advantages.

The aquatic warrior will do tons of damage thanks to Fafnir’s Talon, which pairs superbly with Kil’groth’s attack speed-focused kit. With the combination of its health-based damage and Kil’groth’s other on-hit abilities, he can easily take out powerful foes.

Typical Item Builds

The main goal of this build is to increase Kil’groth’s damage while simultaneously increasing his level of durability. He has incredible attack speed from only Scorching Wind and Fafnir’s Talon, with Hercules Madness jumping in when his health is low. Along with Mail of Pain and Hercules’ Madness, Hyoga’s Edge will keep him within striking distance of his target and toughen his skin.

Here, we lead Kil’groth towards the top lane and out of the forest. Here, the majority of our damage comes from Fafnir’s Talon and Scorching Wind, with very little attack damage or speed coming from other sources. Longinus’s passive armor rip ought should give him a little extra bite, with his torrent of attacks causing greater damage as they build up. On the other hand, Hyoga’s Edge and the Medallion of Troy will make Kil’groth difficult to slay. With this build, he won’t be able to blast opponents as effectively, but he will be able to stick to and thoroughly destroy adversaries over time.

This build disregards prudence and relies nearly exclusively on Kil’groth’s lethality. He isn’t a total glass cannon thanks to Hyoga’s Edge and Hercules’ Madness, but he will find it much more difficult to avoid opposing fire than he would with other setups. If his adversaries are able to survive him. With these equipment, his attack speed and damage will be extremely high. Once Kil’groth begins his frightening assault, both towers and heroes will fall rapidly. Fafnir’s Talon and Scorching Wind will offer respectable amounts of lifesteal, making up for his lack of direct defense stats here by enabling the freaky fish guy to fast regain any health that he loses.

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