Omen Item Builds

Hello! In order to play Omen to his full potential, there are some core items that are necessary. Only deviate from these items if you’re an experienced player or have a compelling reason to do so.

One of the most powerful items for Omen is Fafnir’s Talon. It provides him with the attack speed he needs and a passive effect that deals HP-based damage, countering health stacking enemies. This is important because health stacking is a common defense against true damage like Omen’s. Additionally, the item provides life steal, which is great for sustain.
Here are some sample item builds for Omen:

- For Omen’s primary role in the Dark Slayer lane, Fafnir’s Talon and Omni Arms are key for offensive ability. Hyoga’s Edge will keep him close to enemies and able to withstand their retaliation. Mail of Pain pairs well with Untouchable, making Omen less vulnerable to marksmen. This build is great for ripping through squishier heroes and dealing damage to tougher ones.

- If you’re playing Omen in the jungle, Leviathan is a good choice for durability and its burn effect. The next items should be more aggressive so Omen can keep up the murder momentum after the laning period ends. This build is ideal for ganking, but keep in mind that Omen’s ability to clear monsters isn’t very impressive.

- For a different approach, this build sacrifices offense entirely in favor of durability and team presence. Omen will act as the team’s tank with Death’s Beckon to pull the enemy’s back line into the fight, and Death’s Embrace to trap them there. The items in this build, combined with the damage reduction from Untouchable, make Omen an exceptionally hard hero to kill.