Butterfly Item Builds

Essential Items To maximize Butterfly’s performance, it is crucial to prioritize core items. Only deviate from these items if you possess extensive experience or have a compelling reason to do so.

Being a jungle-focused hero, Butterfly always requires a jungling item to kickstart her progress. The experience boost it provides ensures that she reaches level 4 quickly, granting increasing power as the game progresses. Previously, Leviathan was considered the optimal choice, but with the redesigned Butterfly, her scaling with attack damage has become more prominent, making Soulreaver a viable alternative.

What could be more suitable for a finishing move than Fenrir’s Tooth? This item offers a substantial amount of attack damage and additionally amplifies damage against targets with less than 30% health. This damage boost helps Butterfly eliminate enemies before fights drag on or foes manage to escape, enabling her to refresh her abilities efficiently.
Sample Item Builds

In this aggressive build, we prioritize maximizing Butterfly’s lethality. Her abilities will effortlessly shred enemy health, allowing her to swiftly take down marksmen and mages. The only survivability aspect here comes from Omni Arms, providing a small health boost. However, with the damage reduction and healing effects offered by her ultimate, Butterfly can prevent herself from being instantly annihilated in fights.

Taking a more defensive approach, this build relies on Butterfly’s inherent damage potential to eliminate enemies while emphasizing her defensive capabilities. This build has lost some popularity after Butterfly’s rework, as she now relies on the base damage of her abilities to dispatch foes. While it lacks the burst damage of an attack-focused build, it enables her to consistently deal sustained damage rather than relying solely on burst damage.

This is an experimental build, as Butterfly is typically best suited for the jungle. However, in the hands of a skilled player, she can still be effective in the top lane. This build combines damage and survivability to create an assassin capable of diving into team fights and eliminating backline targets.